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Our world is in constant change, there have been good times and bad. But in recent times things have dramatically changed. Many of us have been apathetic about what we see and hear while things continue to spiral down. Our name: It’s Time to Pay Attention was inspired under the premise that if we do pay attention, we’ll inspired to take action. What is that action? Each one of us will move forward in our own way, which may include inspiring others, providing education, and putting God, Country and Family first.

We also noticed that many people jump on board the narrative of someone else without really thinking about what they are saying.  This is another instance that gave inspiration to: It’s Time to Pay Attention.  Pay attention to what is said, think about it, do your research and make your own decision.

Of interest, one priority of this site to post factual information and, if not factual, it will be footnoted as such. (Example: text will be labeled or footnoted or note as Opinion, Article, etc.)

Obviously, this site is just getting started, content will be coming.